Sorry I didn't write sooner, ended up in the hospital friday night and have been busy recovering/working ever since.
The Onlympic Torch Ceremony was AMAZING!!
I got right up close and before the ceremony I was able to talk to one of the other torch barrers that had already ran with it, and he let me hold the torch...
It was so cool, and a lot heavier than I assumed it would be.
Coka Cola team had acrobats on stage,
and there was a real sweet local swing band that opened up the whole show along with some dances and songs by the local Native American groups.
All together a very fun night with a friend from the sorority.
Friday afternoon I blacked out/fained again and woke up with the worst migraine yet
so I went to the hospital...
while waiting my migraine died a little, with the help of tylenol
but I also got into a big fight with Casy again.... grr that girl makes me mad!!
but, we're soooo over being friends now, she crossed the line!
Just finished doing my nails, just a simple nude color
Tomorrow I'm in the international days fashion show, wearing a Yukata.
I'm pretty excited
Also have to go to the library tomorrow to return these manga and get some new ones!!!!
I'm gonna take lots of pics over the next week, so check out facebook.
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