No, I didn't die.
I started a blog on ameba (a Japanese blogging website) that was more up to date...
but I lost my password, and am to lazy to go through all the translations to revive it....
So I'm back here...
It's a new year! 2010 baby!
I'm making it my (late) New Years Resolution to blog more,
and I'm keeping it all on this blog.
So I guess I should update you on what has happened in my life since August huh?
I started university in September at TRU
It's an amazing school.
I loved all my classes, except geography
and I passes them all... except Geography...
I'm in a Sorority..
yes, thats right
I know right?
me? a sorority girl?
But honestly, its amazing!
Not just the parties either (though they are pretty epic)
us Zeta's are really there for eachother
sisters till the end! ♥
I still work at walmart
it fucking sucks ass
I need a new job
I got H1N1 (Swine Flu) in October, a few weeks after my birthday.
It sucked
Case closed.
Oh! Remember that "amazing guy" I started dating at camp?
He was a loser
he cheated on me, didn't have the guts to tell me
so he broke up with me instead,
and a few days later had a "new" relationship on facebook
complete with pictures of them kissing, dated from while we were still together..
oh, the joys of love....
In better news, I acctually found THE guy for me
he is ex-close friend's fiance's best friend (confusing?)
met him at my ex-close friend's birthday
he's also from Alberta, but he is a much nicer guy that the last one
he has a daughter, but is really dedicated
it was honestly love at first sight - for both of us
weve been dating since october 24th ♥
wondering about the "ex-close friend" thing?
well she swears that it was only cus of her that we are together
and.. well we may have had sex within the first week of dating
not that we find anything wrong with it
but she apparently does
and she finds it nessicary to call me a slut...
so yeah, I don't take that shit
from anyone
esspecially since our friendship has been on the rocks for over a year now
hmm what else to say?
Im working on going to Japan next winter/spring
to study for a year
I'm applying to Bunkyo Gakuin University
In Tokyo
Its a nice school,
and I have a good chance of getting in,
depending how these next 2 semesters go...
OMG I just remembered,
I went to a three days grace concert on wednsday
it was EPIC
best concert EVER
I can't even describe it in words...
oh and Adam (lead singer) held my hand for like, 30 whole seconds
I almost died!
wow that sounds REALLY fan girl-ish
anyway, peace!