So life's been pretty plain the past week. Mostly spending my time unpacking, (my room is officially fully set up! - Minus my closet!), at school and at my friends house.
I just got internet hooked back up today, so I will hopefully be posting more now. My closet isn't set up yet, they need to put in a pole so I can hang my clothes up. Meanwhile I have been living basically out of my suitcase clothes-wise...
School is GREAT! I love my classes! I have History and Psychology, both with great teachers.
In history we started with the conflicts in the Middle East, with focus on the Israeli and the Arabs and what caused all the problems. We watched the move Munich, and did some worksheets. Thats pretty much all we have done the past week -- We have a test tomorrow though! I'm sure I will do well!
In Psychology we having been focusing on the history of psychology and the science behind it -- like scientific methods used for psychology. Today we started working on behaviorism and watched "The Truman Show". It was very mind joggling at the begining but made sense by the end. Out homework is to write a paragraph about if we think that ultimately the creator of "the truman show" was infact fully in control of truman, or was truman in control of all his actions and behaviors uninfluenced by the fake world around him -- very cool shit of you ask me :D
Cadets started last tuesday, and I already have some classes to teach! -- Joys of being at the top huh? Well not right at the top, but I'm getting up there! At least now we are getting to know ahead that we are teaching, last year they would only tell us last minute! It sucked!
We also have the Island Exercize coming up in a few weeks. Thats going to be loads of fun!
Jake and Tamara live near my new house, so I spent friday afternoon at Jakes house with them. We watched JUNO and chilled for a bit.
My Uncle (son of the man my grandma married recently), Mike died last week. He got hit by an SUV whike riding his motorbike. It was the SUV's fault, and Mike took the inpact to save his GF who was riding with him. It's very sad, and my family will all miss him very much. His funeral is this weekend in Kelowna so we are going to it.